Massage Therapy

Relax, recover, and rejuvenate. Discover our range of tailored treatments delivered by our registered massage therapists (RMT) to soothe, relieve tension, balance your mind and body, and aid in athletic recovery.

Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage


Find food freedom and develop an abundant relationship with food that supports your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Working within a weight-inclusive, Health at Every Size (HAES) framework of care, our registered dietitian will conduct a nutrition assessment and work with your unique preferences and health needs to develop a science-backed nutrition plan.


Experience the benefits of full-body cryotherapy, a biohacking treatment that unlocks all the benefits of cold exposure in a quick and easy 3-minute treatment. Step into our state-of-the-art, -130°C cryochamber to promote recovery, reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, improve blood circulation, rejuvenate your skin, boost your mood, energy & metabolism, and burn calories through activating ... Read More

Experience the benefits of full-body cryotherapy, a biohacking treatment that unlocks all the benefits of cold exposure in a quick and easy 3-minute treatment. Step into our state-of-the-art, -130°C cryochamber to promote recovery, reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, improve blood circulation, rejuvenate your skin, boost your mood, energy & metabolism, and burn calories through activating brown adipose tissue.

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Located at: 225 Yonge Street, Toronto
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